First, nobody (reputable) claims that acupuncture will “cure” cancer – and it won’t. Acupuncture is an ancient method of treatment that dates back to the Stone Age in China. Just because acupuncture cannot cure cancer does not mean that acupuncture does not have a place in cancer treatment. As a matter of fact, many oncologists recommend acupuncture for their patients both before and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Oncologists recommended acupuncture treatments for the purpose of reducing or eliminating pain as well as for reducing or eliminating the nausea that is often caused by treatments.

Cancer is a general term that covers more than 300 different diseases and can affect every part of the human body. The first line of defense against cancer is a healthy lifestyle and good health choices, but even the healthiest lifestyle is no guarantee that some form of cancer cannot strike.

The second line of defense is early cancer diagnosis. The earlier that cancer is found, the greater the chances that it can be cured. Treatments for cancer can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Combination of two or all three of these options is very common – and this is where acupuncture comes in. This is where acupuncture can help a cancer patient.

Acupuncture can help reduce pain after surgery. There really isn’t much debate about this, even in the established medical community. Acupuncture can reduce the pain and the need for pain medication in cancer surgery patients. Acupuncture has been used as a replacement for anesthesia.

Acupuncture is also regularly used to relieve nausea that is often caused by chemotherapy. Nausea is one of the most frequent side effects of all chemotherapy treatments, and it is also the one that is most dreaded by cancer patients that are undergoing chemotherapy. Acupuncture is used regularly and very effectively to relieve or even eliminate the nausea associated with chemotherapy treatment.

Cancer And Its Nature

Cancer is a class of serious diseases which is primarily characterized by abnormal cell growth and division. It is classified according to the type of cell which initially affects the organ. To date, over 100 types of cancer have already been diagnosed. The most common types of cancer include endometrial, colon and rectal, lung, bladder, breast, leukemia, melanoma, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and renal cancer. It becomes life-threatening when the damaged cells begin to divide in an abnormally and uncontrollably manner which leads to the formation of masses or lumps commonly known as tumors. When these lumps grow, it can negatively affect the functions of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.

Cancer symptoms usually vary depending on the location of the cancer. Fatigue, fever, anemia, excessive sweating and unexplained weight loss are some of the most common symptoms of cancer. When the cancer cells have spread to the brain, patients usually suffer from headaches, seizures and vertigo. On the hand, when it spreads to the lung, patients normally experience shortness of breath and coughing. When the liver is affected, jaundice which is normally accompanied by brittle, breakable and painful bones are more likely to be experienced.

Cancer Treatments

Through the years, extensive studies were conducted to determine the nature of cancer, how it develops and how it can be prevented. Most people succumb to cancer medications, treatments and therapies in order to survive. In most cases, cancer patients observe a healthier and more conducive lifestyle in order to overcome cancer.

Treatments actually vary according to the stage of the cancer, type of cancer as well as the age and health condition of the patient. Modern treatments for cancer include radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, gene therapy and immunotherapy.

While other people succumb to modern treatments, some patients make use of alternative and traditional treatment methods in dealing with cancer. Acupuncture is actually one of the most common alternative treatments for cancer. Research shows that acupuncture can help cancer patients in improving their condition. What is the truth behind this claim?

How Acupuncture Helps Cancer Patients

Many oncologists nowadays recommend acupuncture to their patients in managing cancer symptoms as well as the symptoms associated with cancer treatments. Researchers claim that acupuncture helps cancer patients in managing pain, nausea, vomiting, dry and painful mouth and throat, as well as hot flushes. Acupuncture reduces the severity of cancer treatment related symptoms which include pain, swelling and inflammation thereby resulting to a reduced medication for pain. When the sensory neurons and muscles are stimulated, they send signal to the central nervous system to release endorphins which serve as the body’s natural painkillers. As many people would know, chemotherapy is usually followed by intense vomiting and nausea. Acupuncture can help in reducing the frequency and intensity of nausea, vomiting as well as hot flushes in women with breast cancer.

Dry, painful throat and mouth can also be expected when undergoing cancer treatments due to reduced production of saliva. According to research, acupuncture can help in reducing the impact of these side effects thereby allowing the patient to eat, drink and swallow normally. Acupuncture is also beneficial in treating a number of cancer related symptoms which include chest pain, bone pain, dizziness, weight loss, diarrhea, cough, loss of appetite, anxiety, fatigue and depression.

By reducing the intensity and frequency of occurrence of these symptoms, acupuncture is able to provide cancer patients with adequate amount of high quality sleep. In the long run, this results to improved quality of life.

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What Cancer Patients Have To Say About Acupuncture

There is no existing evidence that acupuncture has the capacity to treat or cure cancer. Most researchers suggest that acupuncture can only help in relieving the symptoms of this life-threatening disease. In most cases, acupuncture is used by cancer patients to relieve nausea which is often caused by chemotherapy. Aside from reducing the occurrence and intensity of hot flashes, acupuncture is also beneficial in helping the patients feel more relaxed. Also, it improves the overall health being of cancer patients. Acupuncture is a well-known alternative treatment method and has been used in China for centuries now. The period of healing, that generally follows any major illness, is characterized by a long time of waiting.

Breast cancer is one such illness that many women all over the world, are struggling with. Apart from the chemotherapy and other radiation therapies that are received by a woman with breast cancer, massage is often acknowledged to be one of the best ways to deal with the ailment. Acupuncture, on the other hand, has also emerged as a very effective technique to deal with cancer.

Acupuncture, along with a healthy diet, meditation and exercise, can help in improving the quality life of a patient suffering from breast cancer. There are many levels on which the entire concept of acupuncture works for a cancer patient. Acupuncture and massage are both often considered better than invasive procedures because with both these therapies, the body mind and spirit are all uplifted. For a person, lacking in energy due to the rigorous treatment schedule, acupuncture is an excellent way to get back some semblance of a normal life.

Acupuncture also helps in the release of toxins in the body. These toxins, which are often the by – products of the medications of breast cancer, can be easily released from the body of a person through acupuncture and massage.

Massage can help promote decompression therapy, which helps in the decompression of the muscles in various parts of the body. There is an incredible amount of emotional support that massage therapists and acupuncturists can bring in for the benefit of a cancer patient. Besides, both massage and acupuncture help in promoting the natural healing mechanisms of the body, thus improving the prognosis of the disease and allowing both medicine and nature work in tandem.

It is a common belief that both acupuncture and decompression therapy can help solely with back relief, nausea and other such minor complaints. In reality, both these alternative therapies have been a part of the mainstream ancient Chinese medicine. These therapies are impressive treatments for treating the post-operative complaints of cancer patients.

In the time between the diagnosis of breast cancer and its medical treatment, a patient can safely undergo acupuncture treatment. The best part is that acupuncture and massage can both be continued along with the regular medical treatment. This is incredible because Acupuncture and massage do not alter or interfere with the therapeutic benefits of medicine, thus maintaining a harmonious balance with the body.

Acupuncture not only helps the body gain its strength back, but also helps improve the stamina and therefore, the strength of the body to fight the disease as well as the deterioration caused by the series of invasive therapies and procedures.

Acupuncture originated in china and is among the oldest medical practice. It is one the prominent alternative therapy that is gaining widespread acknowledgment in the western world. This is mainly because of its undisputed efficacy in treating certain health conditions. Moreover, in the hands of a skilled acupuncturist, there is no serious side effect.

Acupuncture is commonly used for the following health conditions:


This is one of the more common uses of acupuncture. There is substantial evidence that acupuncture works well for pain alleviation, especially persistent lower back pain. It is also applied for a wide range of pain such as joint pain, dental pain, chronic pain, neck pain, post-operative pain, headache and migraine. The main advantage of using acupuncture for pain relieve is the absence of side effects. Painkillers are chemicals and their long term side effects are not fully understood. Even the common painkillers such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), have been shown to be toxic. Experts have warned that taking slightly too much acetaminophen day after day can be deadly. On the other hand, there is no overdose of acupuncture, and it leaves no chemical residue in the body.

Post-operative nausea and vomiting

Research has proved conclusively that acupuncture is effective in reducing PONV. A research published by the national institute of health, shows that acupuncture reduced the incidence of PONV in hospitals from 65% to 35% compared with a placebo and after discharge, from 69% to 31% compared with a placebo. Acupuncture also with nausea and vomiting experienced after chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Infertility treatment

Research has shown a clear link between acupuncture and fertility, especially for women undergoing assisted reproductive technique mainly IVF. If you are planning to go for IVF, you should start acupuncture for fertility three months before your procedure. German researchers discovered that acupuncture significantly increases the chances of success for women undergoing IVF. In a controlled study, it was shown that 42% of women who received acupuncture, got pregnant, compared to 26% of those who didn’t receive acupuncture. Experts do not fully understand how acupuncture helps fertility. Some have suggested that it draws more blood to the ovaries; others believe that it simply reduces stress which can interfere with a woman’s fertility. Whatever is the case, the important thing, is that it works. Acupuncture has been used in a far wider range of treatment, beyond what I can list here. Take for instance; it has been used to reposition a breach baby! Some of its application includes treatment of allergies, fatigue, depression, anxiety, menstrual disorder, insomnia and so on. Whatever your health condition may be, give acupuncture a try. We may never know exactly how it works, but it may just be the miracle that you need.

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